
The Silo Traffic Monitor (STM) extension in Silo is a diagnostic tool designed to help users monitor health metrics during a given session. STM provides two critical performance metrics: Network Responsiveness and Data Loss Rate. These metrics can trigger the STM icon to change color, visually representing session health.

The Silo Traffic Monitor can be found in the Silo Navigation Bar.


Network Responsiveness:

This metric gauges the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the client to the Silo data center and back. It is measured in milliseconds (ms) and compares observed responsiveness against defined thresholds:

  • Green (Good) = <75 milliseconds

  • Yellow (Average) = 76-200 milliseconds

  • Red (Poor) = 200+ milliseconds

Data Loss Rate:

This metric measures the percentage of packets that need to be retransmitted due to loss during transmission. It is divided into three categories:

  • Green (Good) = < 1%

  • Yellow (Average) between 1% and 5%

  • Red (Poor) = 5% or higher

If you consistently experience poor session metrics (Red zone), please contact your Silo Administrator or Network Administrator to improve your network connection.

Follow the steps to open a detailed Silo performance view:

1. Click on the SMT icon and the Silo Performance window displays.

By default, when the window opens, it will display the Network Responsiveness matrix.

2.  Click on the Data Loss Rate link to display the Data Loss Rate.

Additional Notes  

Please contact Support if you have any additional questions and/or require further information.