The storage enhancements outlined in this article are:
Column Sorting and Resizing
Multiple Files in a Download
These enhancements make it easier to search and find your saved files.
Column Sorting and Resizing - the storage manager columns when clicked, one at a time, will sort in descending order by default. If you click the column again then it will sort in the opposite order. The ascending or descending status will be noted by an ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ arrow on the column heading. In the example below, the Name column is in Descending order. The other three columns have not been sorted.
Column Resizing - the columns can be resized by clicking the vertical line that separates the columns.
The resizer for the Personal Cloud Drive uses a different resize icon, . Click the resizer icon to resize this column to make it shorter or longer.
The resize icon for the Document Storage columns is a Hand icon, . Click the vertical line, a hand icon appears, move this hand icon to resize the column.
NOTE: The resizing for the Document columns (Name, Date Created, and Type) may not move as easily as in this demonstration. This is a known bug and we are working on fixing it. You may have to attempt to resize a few times before you succeed.
Downloading Multiple Documents - When you select your multiple files and click Download, a pop-up window appears that lists the documents you have selected. The Finder/Explorer window does not appear as it does in a single file download. This allows you to perform other file management tasks as compression is underway.
Select your files that you want to download, they will be highlighted. Click the Download button.
This pop-up window appears. Click the OK button.
- The documents will be zipped and downloaded to the Downloads folder.
Additional Notes
Please contact Support if you have any additional questions and/or require further information.