Silo Admin Console
Set Vanity URL value
Enable SAML SSO via Policies > Access & Authentication > Single Sign-On
Download the SP Encryption Certificate (SP_cert.crt) to your local machine.
DO NOT hit Save; leave page open.
OneLogin Administration
Navigate to Applications > Add App
Search and select: SAML Custom Connector (Advanced) -- SAML 2.0 and proceed with the configuration below.
Display Name: Authentic8 > Click Save
Relay State: 2 (Installed Client), 4 (Web Client)
Audience (EntityID):<vanityURL>/login
Recipient:<vanity URL>
ACS (Consumer) URL Validator*: ^https:\//getsilo\.com/sso/saml/[^/]+/login$
ACS (Consumer) URL*:<vanity URL>/login
Login URL:<vanity URL>
SAML Initiator: OneLogin
SAML nameID format: Email
SAML issuer type: Specific
SAML signature element: Response
Encrypt assertion = Checked
SAML encryption method: AES-256-CBC
SAML Encryption - Public key: Copy and paste contents of SP_cert.crt
Click Save
Credentials are: Configured by admin
NameID value: Email
SAML Signature Algorithm: SHA-256
Key Cipher: AES-256 CBC
Download X.509 Certificate (X.509 PEM) and upload to Silo Admin Console > Policies > Access & Authentication > Single Sign-On > IdP Signing Certificate
Copy Issuer URL value and paste into IdP Issuer field in Silo
Copy SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) value and paste into IdP Login URL field in Silo
Click Save in Silo Admin Console
OneLogin Administration - Disable Framing Protection
Navigate to Settings > Account Settings > Framing Protection
Select: Allow all framing regardless of origin (DEPRECATED, please migrate to origin whitelists below)
Click Save
Optional: Configuring Desktop SSO/IWA
Windows Server Firewall: Allow TCP Port 8080 (default) on your Windows Server(s) Firewall for both incoming and outgoing traffic.
Note: Authentic8 makes no warranty on third-party software integrations. We assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in the third-party software integration or documentation available. Using such software is done entirely at your own discretion and risk.
Please contact Support for any questions.