Release Date:  August 2, 2024


  • Improved Silo for Research Fingerprinting Capabilities

  • Added support to allow users to move files within Silo Drive from one drive to another drive (ex. My Drive to a Shared Drive)

  • General improvements and security fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the message bar ribbon at the top of the Silo for Research new tab page would display blank

  • Fixed an issue where importing IP workflows and sites into Silo Gofer extension would cause a failure

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes when editing a screenshot the redo/undo actions would not work properly

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes when resizing viewport during selected area screenshot would capture the incorrect area

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes when using the User Agent send through data policy on the Web Client the User Agent was not being passed correctly

  • Fixed an issue where the Isolation Bypass policy empty state was not being enforced correctly and isolating sites instead of bypassing them

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes after modifying shortcut credentials a restart would be needed to have the changes take effect

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the text and notes section of the screenshot editing page would not work correctly

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes very large file downloads to cloud storage would stall at 50% and never complete downloading

For more information or to contact support please visit