Error Message


There are a couple reasons why you might see an error that says 

"Login Failed: We cannot authenticate you using SSO Reason: No SAML Signature"

Reason 1

The user does not have a PIN assigned and is trying to sign in using their email address and PIN to an org configured for Single Sign On (SSO).

  • Resolution 1: Ensure the user is able to successfully communicate with your SSO server via your local company network, VPN or a publicly available SSO proxy.
  • Resolution 2If you would like the user to have the option of using Silo without access to the SSO server - Reset the password for the user and they should be prompted for the password and then given the opportunity to create a PIN on the next session.
  • Resolution 3Ensure that the user is setup to use SSO properly. Make sure the client SSO keys are set in the registry. You can save the text below as a .reg if you want to add the keys to the registry. If you are updating your registry be sure to replace <your portal name> with the correct value from the Silo Admin Console e.g. authentic8 :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Authentic8, Inc.\Authentic8]
"IEWebViewURL"="<your portal name>/"

The user should see "Connecting to the SSO Domain" when they run Silo if it is properly configured for SSO.

Reason 2 

The computer clock is more than five seconds out of sync with the atomic clock.

  • Resolution: Ensure that your computer clock is synchronizing with your server clock and the server clock is synchronizing with a known good NTP provider. More information can be found here



Additional Notes  

Please contact Support if you have any additional questions and/or require further information.