Q:  How to create a toolbox launcher

A:  Toolbox Launchers must be created from the Admin Console.  The Admin must have Resource Provisioning permissions and the Org must be provisioned with the Toolbox App.

On January, 12th 2022, the Silo for Research Chromium platform was released for General Availability (See Step 3 to enable.) 


1. From the Silo Admin Console, under the Web Apps section, click Manage.

2. Click the Plus (+) sign to expand the Web Apps catalog (wait for a moment while it loads all web apps). Type “toolbox” into the search box and click Toolbox and drag it to the middle panel.

3. Click the Plus (+) button next to Browser Location and select "All". Optionally, if required for Compliance reasons, choose a Browser Location in a specific region (e.g. Europe or United States). 

Note: Browser location should not be confused with Egress location. If your Browser location defaults to "All" it is recommended to leave it that way.

4. Click the Plus (+) button next to Egress Location then check “Set a custom toolbox traffic egress location.”  From the drop-down options, select your location (Sydney is being used in this example).

5. Click the Plus (+) button next to browser fingerprint and check the “Customize browser fingerprint” box.

 Note:  Please see the support article, Browser Fingerprint Management, for further information.

6. In the top right corner, click the Pencil icon between “Toolbox” and “Settings.”  In the generated text box: Enter a name for the shortcut (Sydney (English) is being used in this example).

IMPORTANT: Please remember to click [Save] to complete the Toolbox provision.

Additional Notes  

Please contact Support if you have any additional questions and/or require further information.